Find Support From People Who Have Walked in Your Shoes

Use our Navigator to discover tips for living life with mental health challenges, shared by peers who get it. Get a personalized deck of suggestion cards tailored to your bandwidth, and take realistic steps toward what matters most.

No Unrealistic Advice. No Generic Printouts. No Shaming.

Just realistic, practical information that meets you where you are, not where you "should" be.

Accessing Essential Services

At Cereal for Dinner, we know that mental healthcare extends far beyond the walls of the provider’s office. Explore our resource directory for accessing essential services like affordable food and medication to build a strong foundation for growth.

Real Tools for Real Life...

No more one-size-fits-all advice.

Receive a suggestion deck tailored to your bandwidth. Because the best resources meet you where you are (not where you ‘should’ be).

Created By Peers:

Get tried-and-true suggestions from people who really get it. Every resource is grounded in lived experience, and designed to meet your unique needs.

Approach More:

Taking small, manageable steps teaches our brains that discomfort doesn’t have to stop us from doing what we find important.