How to Clean the Kitchen

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How to Clean the Kitchen

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How to Clean the Kitchen

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How to Clean the Kitchen

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How to Clean the Kitchen

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How to Clean the Kitchen

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How to Clean the Kitchen

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How to Clean the Kitchen

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How to Clean the Kitchen

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How to Clean the Kitchen

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Pantries: There's an App for That

How To:

Use a pantry organizer app to reduce food waste and make planning easier.

"I swear by Pantry Check to keep tabs on expiration dates and visualize what I have so I know what I can make for meals that week."

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Set a Trash Alarm

How To:

Empty the trash when you hear your nightly alarm.

"My alarm tone was 'I'm Only Happy When It Rains' by Garbage when it was time to take out the trash."

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Post-It Reminders

How To:

Use sticky notes to remind you to clean forgettable spots, like cabinets and filters.

"I swear I do the most free advertising for Post-Its because I will never stop talking about how different color sticky notes remind me to clean all the easily overlooked spots."

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Declutter Countertops Regularly

How To:

Make it a point to put appliances into cabinets when done.

"Mostly just to make myself feel calmer and my kitchen seem cleaner, I put my coffee pot in the cabinet after I use it every morning to have clear counters."

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Schedule a Deep-Clean Day

How To:

Put a "deep-clean day" on your calendar.

"I knew the third Saturday of the month was deep-clean day, so I could mentally and physically prepare."

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Cook and Clean Together

How To:

Clean as you cook to minimize mess and make clean-up easier.

"I hate that my dad was right all those years, but cleaning after I prepped and while other things cooked honestly brought me such relief at the end of a meal."

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Walk While You Mop

How To:

Put cleaning pads under your feet or shoes, spray the floor, and slide around.

"Cleaning while I walk around the kitchen to cook is the ultimate way to clean as you go."

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Polish Stainless Steel Surfaces

How To:

If things are feeling a bit stale but your effort is lower, polish your stainless steel fixtures.

"A good polish refreshes my kitchen whenever I need a lower-effort way to spruce it up."

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Eat and Sweep

How To:

Set the broom in the corner by your dining table to remind you to do a quick sweep after eating.

"Sweeping after each meal took a minute and prevented a gross floor over time."

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Scrub the Sink After Use

How To:

Scrub the sink after each use to prevent stains and odors.

"Cleaning the kitchen sink little by little kept it looking brand new at all times."

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