How to Take Medication on Time

How to Take Medication on Time

How to Take Medication on Time

How to Take Medication on Time

How to Take Medication on Time

How to Take Medication on Time

How to Take Medication on Time

How to Take Medication on Time

How to Take Medication on Time

How to Take Medication on Time

Place Meds Near Simple Pleasures

How To:

Place your meds near daily pleasures, like your coffee supplies.

"Placing my meds by my coffee helped me associate them with something I liked, lol."


Delivery, Baby!

How To:

Many pharmacies offer free delivery of medications, so you don't have to wait at the pharmacy.

"Delivery has been a game. changer. I don't wait until I run out of meds now. I get it all delivered at my door for free!"


Carry a Backup Dose

How To:

Carry a dose with you in case you forget when you're out.

"I keep a dose in a little baggie in my purse in case of emergencies!"


Get Your Pills Blister-Packed

How To:

Ask your pharmacy if they can blister-pack your meds (package them together into your daily doses).

"When I found a pharmacy that blister-packed my meds, it was SOO much easier to stay on top of taking them because I just needed to look to see if I took the dose for that time."


Create a Reward System

How To:

Reward yourself weekly for taking your medications.

"'Little treat culture' wins again; my lavender latte on Fridays motivated me to stay on track."


Educate Yourself on Med Timing

How To:

Learn why it's important to take meds on time.

"I read that even taking my medication 2 hours late was affecting my mood negatively, so I was much more motivated to take it when my alarm went off in the morning."


Put Post-Its Everywhere

How To:

Write different sticky notes for each room to remind you in different ways how and when to take your pills.

"I put Post-It notes with song lyric parodies on it around my home, reminding me to take my medications."


Review Your Medications Regularly

How To:

Keep more frequent psychiatry appointments if possible as an accountability touchpoint.

"I never opted to schedule my next appointment later because I knew I'd forget if I didn't schedule it right after my office visit."


Ring Ring, It's Pill Time

How To:

Set phone alarms for the times you need to take your medication.

"I created an alarm with 'HOT TO GO!' as the tone and it got me begrudgingly dancing my way on over to the pill organizer every evening."


Create a Medication Chart

How To:

Put a chart listing each medication and its schedule on the fridge, wall, or mirror.

"I have four medications, two of which I have to take at specific times, so I made a cute little visual chart to make it pleasant to look at <3"


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