How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

Try the 5-4-3-2-1 Technique

How To:

Ground yourself by listing 5 things you see, 4 you can touch, 3 you hear, 2 you smell, 1 you taste. It centers you in the present.

"When I just notice my feelings, they feel lighter. I don't have to solve them right away."


Remind Yourself to Get Unstuck

How To:

Create a phone reminder for one thing to get you unstuck.

"My phone reminder to do some gentle movement wouldn't go away until I completed it, so the annoying notification badge motivated me to get it done."


Explore New Perspectives

How To:

Seek different viewpoints in books, articles, podcasts, etc.

"I like the podcast Hidden Brain to get new ways of looking at things."


Try 'If I Were Willing...'

How To:

Ask, 'If I were willing to change, what would I try today?' Gently exploring possibilities opens you to new ideas.

"Accepting 'good enough' helps me relax. It helps me sort out the essentials from the extra stuff."


Talk It Out

How To:

Share your feelings of being stuck with a friend or therapist.

"I told my sister how I didn't know how to move forward with mental health tools, and she told me some tips that work for her."


Name Your Thoughts, Don't Fight Them

How To:

Label thoughts as 'just thoughts' to remember they're temporary, not who you are, helping you feel less trapped by them.

"Seeing something new outside, even a leaf, makes me feel a bit more open and grounded."


Just One Good Thing

How To:

Try to note one positive thing in your day each evening.

"A gratitude list was too much for me, but one thing a day worked pretty well, even if I wrote down 'my dog, Anchovy' daily."


Notice How You Feel Without Judgment

How To:

Observe your feelings without labeling them as good or bad. This practice helps emotions feel less overwhelming.

"Five minutes of quiet resets me a bit. It reminds me I can find calm, even if it's brief."


Let Go of Perfection

How To:

Let today be 'good enough' instead of perfect. This frees you to try small things without pressure to excel.

"I focus on compassion a lot. It lets me feel like I'm living with purpose, even on hard days."


Vacation IRL or Online

How To:

Plan a real or imaginary trip.

"Researching the culture in Bali gave me ideas on what kind of life I wanted to live when I was in a major rut."


Allow the Emotion to Exist

How To:

Don't try to push the emotion away. You can let it stay within you for as long as it wants AND do valued or routine activity.

"When I'm hard on myself, I repeat, 'I deserve kindness too.' It softens my self-talk enough to keep going."


Find Five Minutes for Stillness

How To:

Take a five-minute pause in silence - sit, lie down, or stand. Quiet time can bring a sense of calm and self-connection.

"Thinking about small steps I could take makes change feel possible, not forced."


Check in with Your Body

How To:

Take 30 seconds to notice where your body feels tension or relaxation. This mindful check-in connects you to yourself.

"This practice calms me and pulls me into the here and now, even when I'm feeling anxious. Sometimes I call a friend to help me if I'm having trouble doing it."


Allow the Stuckness

How To:

If you're burning out, take a break from trying to get unstuck.

"Desperately trying to find answers was exhausting, so I put 'Taking a break' on my calendar for a month and ironically got unstuck during that time because of the decreased pressure."


See Your Success

How To:

Visualize yourself succeeding to create a sense of motivation.

"It felt really cheesy, but I found visualization meditations on YouTube, which actually gave me the push I needed to try new stuff."


Set a Tiny Intention

How To:

Each morning, pick a small, doable task, like brushing your teeth or drinking water, to show yourself that small steps count.

"Starting with washing my face gives me a small win. Just a small way to tell myself I'm worth caring for."


Move with Purpose

How To:

Pick any movement you can do - stretching, standing, or taking a small step. It signals to yourself that you can still choose.

"I say, 'It's just a thought.' It stops my mind from holding on to it, and I feel less weighed down."


Remember Your Wins

How To:

Recall times when you got unstuck successfully.

"I remembered when I was terrified of public speaking and overcame that, so I knew I could make progress with my mental health, too."


Neutralize Stuckness

How To:

Practicing a neutral outlook can put stuckness in perspective.

"I'd tell myself, 'Everyone has been stuck in some way before,' and it helped a little."


Pick a Path

How To:

Taking different routes, either walking or driving, can spark new ideas.

"Daily walks on different routes eventually brought me to a senior dog center, so I decided to volunteer and now feel like I'm progressing."


Do One Task Mindfully

How To:

Focus on one task like washing dishes or making tea without rushing. It allows you to experience the moment fully.

"Body scans remind me I can listen to myself. It's a way of reconnecting that feels gentle."


Repeat a Self-Compassion Phrase

How To:

Say, 'I am allowed to struggle and still deserve kindness.' It reminds you to be gentle with yourself.

"I picture myself getting up. Even imagining it helps me feel like movement is possible."


Ask, 'What Matters Most Today?'

How To:

Pick a value - like kindness or courage - to guide your day, helping you prioritize what feels meaningful over perfection.

"I stretch in bed, and it reminds me I'm not stuck; I can still choose to move a little."


Focus on One Simple Pleasure

How To:

Identify a small joy - a cozy blanket, a favorite snack - and savor it. This brings a sense of ease and self-care.

"When I make tea mindfully, it's like a tiny break. I get to enjoy one moment just for itself."


Crowdsource It

How To:

Ask others what they do when they've been stuck in the past.

"I read a few subreddits where people talked about getting out of a rut and making adjustments, and I got some great ideas."


Practice Self-Kindness

How To:

Speak kindly to yourself, like you would a friend, to soften self-criticism and open up space for change.

"Starting with washing my face gives me a small win. Just a small way to tell myself I'm worth caring for."


Chill in Another Spot

How To:

Sit in a different corner or area of your home to give your brain variety.

"I created a corner in my room that was decorated in a cozy, quirky way where I'd sit when I wanted a new perspective."


Realize the Root Cause

How To:

Write out the root causes of how you're stuck and potential solutions for each.

"I figured out that the main reason I felt stuck was that I only tried one mental health modality, so I started exploring more."


Become a Scientist

How To:

Approach trying new things as if you were a scientist. Be curious, collect data, evaluate the outcome.

"I used to think that if I acted opposite from an emotion then I'd have to stop feeling it. Sometimes, it's important to let the emotion stay for as long as it needs, while I also go about my day."


Visualize a Tiny Step Forward

How To:

Imagine the next small step you'd like to take and how it might feel. This can make taking real steps easier.

"I try to savor my coffee. Noticing it gives me a tiny sense of joy, which helps ground me."


What's the Next Best Thing?

How To:

To move in a certain direction, think only of the next best step.

"The big picture was scary, so I focused on practicing just living by one of my values for 6 weeks and nothing else."


Neutralize Mistakes

How To:

When you fall into old habits, practice neutral thoughts about the situation.

"When I'd 'mess up,' I'd practice thinking, 'It's unrealistic to think mistakes aren't going to happen.'"


Notice One New Thing

How To:

Look for one detail in your surroundings you hadn't noticed before. It helps shift focus from stuck thoughts to the present.

"I tell myself, 'It's okay to go slow.' Giving myself some kindness makes trying something new feel safer."


Get an AI's Perspective

How To:

Get ideas for new perspectives on your situation from generative AI.

"ChatGPT made me a whole guide of things to try daily for 6 weeks to shake things up a bit--it was awesome."


Schedule Frustration Time

How To:

Set aside 10-15 minutes to vent about how stuck you feel.

"I scheduled 'venting time' 15 minutes max daily to let it all out in my journal or voice notes, and when I wanted to complain outside of that, I'd remind myself to keep it within the vent sesh."


Set a Focus Timer

How To:

Use a timer to go towards goals in short, focused bursts.

"Every day, I set a timer for 10 minutes to practice the mental health tools my therapist gave me, and that actually helped!!"


Movement Videos

Movement for Feeling Stuck in Current Patterns

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Movement for When You Don't Want to Move

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Movement for When Joy is Hard to Feel

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