How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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Clear One Surface Each Day

How To:

Clear clutter from one surface, like a coffee table or shelf.

"I told myself that if I clear one small space daily, no matter the size, it would be a win. I'd write it in my journal and force myself to doodle celebratory things, like confetti and a cake, to get a dopamine hit from it."

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Vacuum Where It Matters

How To:

Vacuum just the area you spend most time in.

"I barely can walk when severely depressed, let alone vacuum, so I leave my vacuum in my living room, vacuum by the coffee table and couch only, and let that be enough for floor cleaning."

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Let Some Light In

How To:

If nothing else, just open the curtains to let in natural light and lift the space.

"Opening the curtains every morning was my version of housekeeping when I had zero energy. It gave me a chance to have just a little bit of a better mood, at least."

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Use Coasters

How To:

Keep surfaces a bit cleaner by putting cups on coasters, placemats, paper towels, or napkins.

"When I was at my lowest, mugs and cups would cover the coffee table eventually, but my table didn't get very dirty because I always made sure to have placemats under them.

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Remove the Pillows & Blanket

How To:

Put the pillows and blankets, in a neat pile when not in use.

"I did NOT have the bandwidth to straighten up the area every day, so I just put the pillows and blankets in another place. Bonus: It encouraged me to move around because the couch wasn't very comfortable."

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Befriend the Trash Can

How To:

Move the trash can near the couch or your bed for easy access.

"At times, there was no way I was going to dust, vacuum, put stuff away, etc., so I promised myself I would at least throw away my trash. Moving it right next to the couch made a big difference in that."

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Pick a Shelf

How To:

Dust just one shelf.

"I picked one small place to dust daily so I could keep up just a little bit with cleaning but not expend too much of my already low energy. I put on one song, dusted, and it was good to go."

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Box It Up

How To:

Put clutter in a box, on a plate, or on a tray on a surface.

"Using my coffee table tray to put my clutter oddly makes things look better. For some reason, if the mess is consolidated in one place, it looks 10X better than if it is on its own."

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Get a Pile Going

How To:

Pick up any items on the floor and place them in a basket or corner.

"Ever since I discovered the catch-all basket, my life has never been the same. When very depressed, I keep any clutter there, and then I put all the stuff back in their correct places when I have a bit more energy."

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Stand Up and Fold

How To:

When you get up to go to the bathroom, fold the couch blanket.

"I used going to the bathroom as my anchor to trigger other habits because that was the only time I really got up, tbh. It worked, because I'd always fold my blanket before or after I got back."

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