How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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How to Clean Living Areas

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Sweep or Vac

How To:

Vacuum or sweep the living room floor to freshen up the area.

"Vacuuming the floor made the whole space feel fresher, like I’d just invited a breath of fresh air into my living room. It’s a little effort, but it’s got big vibes."

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Focus on Surfaces

How To:

Dust shelves, books, and surfaces to remove built-up particles.

"Dusting the shelves made the room feel so much brighter—like I’d just given it a mini facelift. Plus, it’s an excuse to look busy while actually doing the bare minimum."

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Fresh Air, Fresh Room

How To:

Open the windows for a few minutes to let in fresh air.

"Opening the windows for a few minutes made the place feel less like a cave. It’s like airing out all the stale thoughts along with the stuffy air."

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Tidy One Section First

How To:

Focus on tidying one area like the couch or table first--no pressure to continue.

"Tidying up just one little section made the whole cleaning thing feel more doable. It’s like saying, ‘I don’t have to conquer the whole mountain, just this one tiny hill.’"

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Find a "Remote Location"

How To:

If you keep the remotes in a specific spot, you'll remember where they are.

"Putting my remotes next to my spot on the couch was a game-changer. No more hunting them down under a mountain of blankets—just pure, organized laziness."

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File It Away

How To:

Designate a spot for loose papers.

"Clearing off a pile of papers gave me this weird sense of calm, like, ‘Okay, maybe I can actually get my life together.’"

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Straighten Pillows and Blankets

How To:

Straighten pillows and fold blankets for a neat, cozy look.

"Just fluffing the pillows made the whole room feel like a cozy little spot again. It’s the easiest way to make it look like I did something around the house."

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Don't Move

How To:

See how much you can clean from where you are sitting.

"I liked feeling like I made a difference fast—like, ‘Wow, that corner was a mess, and now it’s not. Go me!’ It’s the little wins that make the big messes less daunting."

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Set a 10-Minute Timer

How To:

Set a 10-minute timer and clean as much as you can in that time.

"The 10-minute timer trick kept me focused, like, ‘Okay, I can do anything for 10 minutes, right?’ Turns out, it’s not so bad when you know there’s a finish line."

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But First: Coffee Table

How To:

Clear off the coffee table to reduce clutter.

"Clearing off the coffee table instantly made the room look less like a disaster zone. It’s the easiest way to fake like I’ve got my life together when someone drops by."

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Clean While on the Couch

How To:

Straighten pillows, blankets, and cushions from where you are.

"I know I’ll at least get one thing clean if I straighten up the couch while I’m sitting on it. It’s lazy multitasking at its finest."

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