How to Clean the Bathroom

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How to Clean the Bathroom

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How to Clean the Bathroom

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How to Clean the Bathroom

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How to Clean the Bathroom

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How to Clean the Bathroom

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How to Clean the Bathroom

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How to Clean the Bathroom

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How to Clean the Bathroom

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How to Clean the Bathroom

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Pair Bath Mats and Towels

How To:

Whenever your towels smell, it's time to wash them with the bath mat.

"I've trained myself to wash towels and mats together if I get a whiff of mildew."

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Polish and Shine

How To:

Give the bathroom a boost by polishing the fixtures.

"I didn't think polishing would make a difference, but it freshened things up when I was feeling like my cleaning efforts weren't enough."

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Give the Tub a Scrub

How To:

Keep a sponge in the shower/bath and wipe it down after washing up.

"I put my cute little Scrub Daddy sponge in the corner and would do a little wiping each time I was in there to prevent buildup."

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Spray the Can

How To:

After taking out the bathroom trash, give it a spray with rubbing alcohol and water.

"When I was really depressed for several months, I forgot about the trash can, so I keep rubbing alcohol spray nearby to disinfect and keep the can a bit fresher when I can."

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Walk n' Mop

How To:

Put cleaning pads under your feet or shoes, spray the floor, and slide around.

"When getting the mop feels like too much, I like that I can clean while I walk around."

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Keep Bathroom Stuff in Order

How To:

Keep your bathroom routine items from left to right in order of when you use them.

"My deodorant, face wash, and face moisturizer are all in a row, left to right, so my brain doesn't have to do much work when it's time to use them."

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Use What's on Hand

How To:

Use what you have; clean grout with an old toothbrush.

"Don't underestimate the power of scrubbing shower grout to make it look brand new—I swear by it."

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Wipe the Sink After Use

How To:

Wipe down the sink a little after each wash.

"A 2-second wipe after hand washing prevents the sink from ever getting dirty, which is kinda awesome."

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Micro-Clean the Toilet

How To:

Scrub the toilet bowl or wipe the seat just a little after you use it.

"It's easy: I get up from the toilet, and that's my cue to take a wet wipe to clean the seat, so it never gets dirty."

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Dust Bust Everywhere

How To:

Whenever you're dusting the shelves in the living room, don't forget the bathroom.

"Whenever I have the duster in my hand, I take it to every room just in case!"

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