How to Clean the Bathroom

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How to Clean the Bathroom

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How to Clean the Bathroom

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How to Clean the Bathroom

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How to Clean the Bathroom

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How to Clean the Bathroom

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How to Clean the Bathroom

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How to Clean the Bathroom

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How to Clean the Bathroom

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Clean With Your Shoes

How To:

Wipe down the bathroom floor with a paper towel under a clean shoe.

"When mopping felt like a mountain I couldn’t climb, doing a quick wipe-down was my version of taking the scenic route."

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An Obvious Mop

How To:

The mop is a reminder to clean the bathroom floor.

"I’d always forget to mop the bathroom floor until I put my mop right where I’d trip over it. It’s a reminder and a safety hazard all in one."

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Splash Zone Towel

How To:

Put a special towel out in plain sight to remind you to wipe up splashes.

"Keeping the counters and floors dry made the bathroom feel way less like a slip-and-slide. It’s the kind of tiny maintenance that keeps me from feeling like I’m living in a swamp."

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Use Toilet Bowl Tablets

How To:

Use toilet bowl cleaner tablets you leave in the tank.

"Using toilet bowl tablets is my way of letting the toilet clean itself. I just drop it in, and it’s like, ‘You do you, little tablet.’"

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Make it Multi-Surface

How To:

Use a multi-surface cleaner to make wiping down areas quick and easy.

"Using a multi-surface cleaner was my secret to staying sane. One spray, one wipe, and suddenly I’m saving time, money, and my last shred of energy."

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TikTok + Clean

How To:

Between each few wipes, swipe down on your TikTok "For You" page.

"Using the TikTok method, I’d race to see how much I could clean before the video ended. It’s like turning chores into a game show, and I’m the slightly messy contestant."

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Try the 4X4 Method

How To:

Clean one 4x4 inch section at a time, stopping whenever.

"Tackling one section at a time helped me avoid a total cleaning meltdown. It’s like, ‘I’ll deal with this corner today, and the rest can wait until I’ve had more snacks.’"

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A New Use for Sock Puppets

How To:

If you're out of paper towels and cleaner, wipe things down with a clean sock.

"Cleaning days often came right before shopping days, so I’d just slap a sock on my hand and wipe up as I went. Efficiency? Maybe. Weird? Definitely."

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Clear Countertop Clutter

How To:

Clear away clutter from countertops for a tidy and organized look.

"Clearing clutter made the bathroom look like it was straight out of a magazine, even if I didn’t scrub anything. It’s all about the illusion of cleanliness."

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Movement Videos

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