How to Do Activities that Matter to You

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How to Do Activities that Matter to You

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How to Do Activities that Matter to You

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How to Do Activities that Matter to You

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How to Do Activities that Matter to You

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How to Do Activities that Matter to You

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How to Do Activities that Matter to You

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How to Do Activities that Matter to You

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How to Do Activities that Matter to You

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How to Do Activities that Matter to You

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Listen to a Comedy Podcast

How To:

Listen to standup comedy or comedy podcasts while doing other things.

"I try to remind myself to laugh out loud when listening to activate just a little joy in me again, which encourages me to do other joyful things."

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Get a YouTube Buddy

How To:

Do your hobby alongside someone in a YouTube video for virtual accountability.

"When I create collages alongside a 'how-to' video, even if I'm not following their instructions, I feel comforted."

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Remind Yourself of What You Love

How To:

Set a reminder on your phone or on a sticky note to practice your old favorite activities.

"My Reminders app on my phone is my prompt to do anything; even if I don't actually do them, my brain gets imprinted with the idea every day."

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Engage in Neutral Self-Talk

How To:

If you're frustrated you're not doing hobbies as much, remind yourself that it's not forever.

"In this season of life, I know that a once-a-month improv class is enough 🤠"

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Video Record Yourself

How To:

Recording your hobby on your phone gives you a cool visual for future encouragement.

"Even when I was feeling crappy, recording myself singing on voice memos gave me a reminder of why I used to love karaoke."

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Do Something Easier

How To:

If your hobbies seem like too much, choose a low-cost or free one you can do right now.

"I didn't have the energy to go swimming anymore, but dancing at home felt accessible."

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Stop Doing So Much

How To:

If you've been trying without motivation, take a break for a few days or weeks.

"An intentional break sometimes is enough to take pressure off."

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Channel All the Feels

How To:

Imagine transfering whatever difficult emotion you're having into your hobby.

"When I have no motivation, I tell myself I'll go to pottery to take my anger out on the clay."

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Stay Accountable

How To:

Get accountability from a friend or a free session on Focusmate to do an activity alongside you.

"Focusmate has three free sessions a week, so I schedule time to practice piano with someone every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday."

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Do It Lying Down

How To:

Try to get creative and determine how to do your hobby lying down.

"I actually feel like playing basketball 🏀 when I shoot trash into my trash can from bed."

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Movement Videos

Movement for Feeling Stuck in Current Patterns

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Movement for When You Don't Want to Move

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Movement for When Joy is Hard to Feel

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