How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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Box Up Your Clothes

How To:

If you don't have the energy to hang things up, put clothes into labeled boxes.

"Sometimes, hanging clothes is too much, but throwing them into a box isn't."

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Wake Up, Bed Made

How To:

Make your bed each morning right after getting out of it for an instant tidy look.

"I make my bed daily now, even if it's wildly imperfect, just as my cleaning anchor."

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Permission to Drop It on the Floor

How To:

When it's time to clean the bedding, dump it on the floor to remind yourself to wash it that night.

"I needed a visual reminder that it was time for a washing, and this was the only way that worked for me, haha!"

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Dust n' Fold

How To:

When you're putting away folded clothes, keep a duster with you.

"When going from one place to another, I'd wipe some spots with my duster."

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Glass Spray on Display

How To:

Remind yourself to spray your windows and mirrors by leaving out your glass spray.

"The bottle reminded me that clean mirrors and windows made my room feel brighter."

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A Declutter Sesh With YouTubers

How To:

Put a YouTube video on for however long you want to declutter your room.

"I used YouTube 'rise and fall' videos as my timer, and it was an excellent motivator."

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Get By With a Little Help

How To:

Offer to make lunch for friends if they'd help you declutter your room.

"I instantly felt relief knowing I wouldn't have to clean my room alone."

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Make Under the Bed Less Scary

How To:

Dusting and vacuuming under the bed can freshen up the air.

"When the air was stale and I was sneezing more, I knew it was time for a vacuum party under the bed."

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Use Post-Its

How To:

Remind yourself to empty trash and recycling bins with post-its.

"Emptying the trash regularly kept my room smelling fresh."

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Make Nightstands Shine

How To:

If nothing else, wipe down your nightstand surface.

"I feel more accomplished if I fall asleep next to a clean spot."

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Movement Videos

Movement for Feeling Stuck in Current Patterns

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Movement for When You Don't Want to Move

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Movement for When Joy is Hard to Feel

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