How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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Start With One Spot

How To:

Tidy one specific area, like a corner or shelf, for small progress.

"Honestly, just cleaning up one little spot—like my desk or that messy corner of the couch—made me feel like I had my life together, even if it was just for a minute. I didn’t have to go on a full cleaning spree or anything"

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Clean With a Further Reach

How To:

Pick up clothes and toss them into a hamper or pile using a pole, like from a broom, cane, or mop.

"I am all about those energy-saving hacks. My dad had one of those poles with a grabbing thing at the end, so I borrowed that; you could probably use a broom. Picking up clothes without bending down too much used waaaay less energy."

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Dust the Dustiest Place

How To:

Dust only the dustiest place.

"I didn’t have to go overboard, but getting that one thing dusted made everything feel a bit less chaotic. It’s WILD how a tiny bit of cleaning can make the whole day feel a little easier."

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Do a Pillowcase Refresh

How To:

Change your pillowcases for a small refresh.

"Who knew that a fresh pillowcase could be such a game changer? Dude, that clean laundry smell hit me, and suddenly it was like, 'Okay, maybe life isn’t all chaos.'"

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Let Air In

How To:

Open the windows for fresh air and a reset.

"Getting a breath of fresh air kind of felt like I’d done a lil baby cleanup without actually doing any work. It made the whole space feel lighter, like I could breathe easier and relax a little bit more."

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Make Your Bed While You're In It

How To:

Straighten pillows, pull sheets and blankets up, and slide out of bed.

"It felt kind of silly to make the bed while I was in it, but it worked. I'd lay perfectly flat, pull up the sheets as close as I could to my face, then the comforter, and then I'd slide right out."

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