How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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How to Clean the Bedroom

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Tissue Time

How To:

Use nearby tissues to do some dusting.

"I didn’t have to gather all my cleaning supplies to make a difference—just a wipe and a dream, and suddenly the place looked a little less messy."

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Make it Smell Pretty

How To:

Use room spray or cleaner to get a fresher smell.

"Adding a nice scent to my room made it feel a little less like a disaster zone. It’s amazing what a candle can do for my mood—and my laundry situation."

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The 5-Minute Tidy Sesh

How To:

Clean as much as you can within your 5-minute timer.

"Setting a timer kept me from spiraling into a cleaning vortex. It’s like, ‘Okay, brain, we’re doing this for 10 minutes and then we’re DONE.’"

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The Tale of Two Hampers

How To:

Have one hamper for dirty clotehs and another for clean clothes.

"Using a ‘clean’ hamper instead of piling clothes on a chair was a game-changer. No more balancing acts or rogue T-shirts hitting the floor."

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First Things First: Make the Bed

How To:

Make your bed first to instantly make the room look more put together.

"Making the bed first thing was like giving my room an instant glow-up. It’s the one thing that makes me feel like I have my life together, even if it’s just for 30 seconds."

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Organized Chaos

How To:

If you don't have boxes, organize loose things into piles.

"Sure, there was still stuff on the floor, but at least the piles were neatly stacked. It’s like, ‘Look, I made an effort!’"

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Organize One Drawer

How To:

Choose one drawer to organize for the day.

"Organizing one drawer at a time kept me from feeling like I was drowning in junk. It’s like focusing on one tiny storm instead of the whole hurricane."

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Clean Up With Your Favorite Artist

How To:

Put on your 5 favorite songs from your top artist to keep you company as you clean.

"Knowing I could stop when the playlist ended made cleaning way less painful. It’s like turning tidying up into a concert I didn’t pay for."

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Box Up Nightstand Clutter

How To:

Organize nightstand clutter into boxes by item type.

"My nightstand was getting wild, so I grabbed some shoe boxes to tame the chaos. It’s like, ‘Hey, it might not be pretty, but at least it’s contained.’"

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End the Week Dust Bunny-Free

How To:

Vacuum the floor as your last activity of Sunday evening for a fresher start to the week.

"Vacuuming was my final touch before Monday morning, like putting the finishing polish on a rough draft. Sure, it’s not perfect, but it feels way better."

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